PYO Families,
Help us start planning the 2023 Spring Baseball and Softball Season by signing your child up today. Click on the Registration tab at to register today.
Baseball: (age as of May 1st 2023)
$50 – T-ball (4-5 yr old) and *Instructional (5-6 yr old) * Instruction League is new this yr. It’s the same as T-ball but the coaches pitch. Its designed for 5 yr old players who played T-ball last year and all 6 yr old players).
$75 – Rookie League (7-8 yr old)
$90 – Minor League (9-10 yr old) and Major (11-12 yr old)
$140 – Sr. League (13-15 yr old)
Softball: (Age as of Jan 1st. 2023)
$50 – 8U (7-8 yr old)
$90 – 10U (9-10 yr old) 12U (11-12 yr old) 16U (13-16 yr old)
Remember, all of the parks in the city have come together to form the Lowell Youth Baseball and Softball League (LYBSL). This organization does not replace the current park system we have in Lowell, but instead will act as the governing body for each of the baseball and softball league throughout the city, including PYO. It’s designed to:
- allow the joint buying power of the leagues to lower costs
- increase participation across the city
- allow for best practices from coaching to fundraising to concession stand management and more to be shared
- streamline scheduling
- maximize the participation and competitiveness of our summer teams against other towns
- and much more…
If you would like to learn more about the new parent organization, please feel free to go to You can also register for the upcoming season on that site by hovering over the Registration tab and selecting PYO from the dropdown menu. It will take you to the same spot as on the PYO site video announcing the creation of the league at this link: you have any questions, you can always contact PYO league President, Matt LeLacheur at or
978-944-9333 or email LYBSL President Ryan Rourke at
info@lybsl.orgPlease share this information with as many people as you can. We all know what a great community PYO has built over the years, and we want to include as many families as possible in the fun. Can’t wait to see old friends and add new ones this season.
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